If you cannot see what you require, please contact us and we will discuss your specific needs.

Introduction to Restorative Practice

Restorative Approaches - Awareness raising for staff (2 - 4 hours) 

This training takes around 2 - 4 hours depending on your training needs. It will enable learners to develop basic knowledge of restorative approaches and the ability to identify when a restorative approach could be used in their workplace. Learners will also develop an awareness of the issues around introducing restorative approaches in their place of practice. Overall, the session will be tailored to your workplace and will be relevant to the work you do, whatever sector you are from.

Foundation training in the use of restorative justice informally (1 day)

The Foundation course provides offers the underpinning knowledge of restorative approaches, and looks at why it works. The training is inclusive and seeks to provide all participants with an understanding of and an opportunity to practice restorative interventions in an informal setting. 

Delegates will be introduced to the scripted conferencing model, whilst enabling them to experience through interactive learning and use their new practical skill of applying informal approaches in their practice. Delegates will consider the needs of participants who engage in restorative approaches and learn the skills of an effective facilitator. The course offers time for discussion, and practical learning, appropriate for all learning styles. Key areas of learning will focus on the principles of Restorative Approaches, use of restorative questioning and communication skills. 

Practitioner Training

Practitioner training in how to run formal meetings and conferences (2 days following completion of Foundation Training; recommended to be run as 3 consecutive days)

This course follows on from the foundation day, as delegates progress to the formal end of the restorative approaches spectrum and practice full restorative conferencing. Delegates will acquire the skills and approach needed to use restorative approaches effectively in a variety of settings. Delegates will develop through interactive learning, enabling them to practice their new skills in a safe environment. Key areas of learning will focus on the scripted model, victim and participant sensitivity, and preparation of formal restorative conferences. 

Training for dealing with Sensitive and Complex cases

Restorative Solutions are at the forefront of developing training for all areas of restorative approaches. To this end, we are constantly researching and developing training packages to train skilled practitioners to deal with sensitive and complex cases.

We offer a range of courses from generic sensitive and complex training as a whole, that will touch on many issues, to more specific, focused complexities, such as Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) and Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA). All these areas require great sensitivity, skill, and understanding, both in the adult arena and increasingly with young people, amongst peers and towards parents and carers. Again, we have developed bespoke packages to address this training need.

Training in how to run Complex and Sensitive cases (2 days)

This course gives experienced practitioners an opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge around the additional issues to be considered in dealing with complex and sensitive cases. An understanding of additional needs and sensitivities of those involved in complex cases will be discussed. An introduction and understanding of the principles of Trauma Informed Practice. Delegates will develop the ability to identify and practice appropriate restorative approaches depending on the complexity of the case. Key areas of learning will focus on Restorative Practice Guidance and safety of participants and facilitator. 

Training in Restorative Justice and Domestic Violence and Abuse (DVA) (3 days)

This course enables delegates to develop the knowledge and understanding necessary to use restorative approaches in cases of DVA. Best practice in dealing with cases of a sensitive and complex nature and examining criminal justice responses and legalities around using restorative approaches will also be discussed. Delegates will examine why domestic abuse may differ from other forms of offending in restorative contexts and consider the advantages and disadvantages of using restorative approaches in domestic abuse cases. The course will be contextually tailored to your requirements, whether adults towards other adults and young people, both by young people towards their parents and carers and towards other young people. Key areas of learning will focus on an individualistic approach to restorative approaches, safety of participants and that of the facilitator.

Practitioner Training: In the use of Restorative Approaches and Harmful Sexual Behaviour (HSB) (3 days)

This three-day course will enable participants to develop the knowledge and understanding necessary to use restorative approaches in cases of harmful sexual behaviour with adults. Delegates will develop an understanding of why sexual offending may differ from other forms of offending in restorative contexts; why and how individuals act in sexually abusive ways; how such individuals are treated, their behaviour managed in the community and their risk of harm assessed. Delegates will be provided with a specific Restorative Assessment Framework in relation to HSB; and be able to relate RJ & HSB to National Guidance. Key areas of learning will include strengths and weaknesses of this approach, an understanding of the nature and prevalence of sexual violence, and an appreciation of the need for an individualistic approach in each case involving RJ & HSB, taking account of the victims’ needs and the risks involved. 

Management and Case Supervision

Training for Case Supervisors (Restorative Practice Guidance 2020) (1 Day)

This is a 1 day of training for experienced practitioners. This course is designed to provide case supervisors with an understanding of their role in respect of delivery of restorative approaches by restorative practitioners. Delegates will develop the knowledge and skills needed to provide advice and oversight in individual cases. Key areas of learning will focus on performing their new role in line with Best Practice Guidance to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to perform this role restoratively. 

Awareness Raising for Managers (2 - 4 hours) 

This course is designed for managers working within an organisation where restorative approaches have been adopted already or waiting to be implemented. It will provide the basic knowledge and understanding of restorative justice and its principles. It will also aid managers to identify when restorative approaches could be introduced or used. With a developed understanding and awareness of the issues of introducing restorative approaches into their workplace or area of practice, delegates will have improved confidence in leading their team restoratively.

Implementation training and guidance for managers (1 day)

This 1-day course offers the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively implement restorative approaches in the workplace or area of practice. It will provide managers with a general understanding of restorative principles and practice. The course will focus on key areas essential for implementation and develop an understanding of how to put in place the key resources, policies, procedures, and quality assurance for successful restorative work to take place. Managers will understand how to set objectives for restorative practice that clearly support the aims of their organisation. Above all, this course will guide managers how to demonstrate to all staff a commitment to restorative practice to ensure successful implementation.

Training for Trainers

The Restorative Solutions Practitioner course is now available for you to deliver in your own workplace. Over three days, the course will provide delegates with the knowledge and skill to successfully deliver the Restorative Solutions Practitioner course. With a widespread excellent reputation for good, quality training, in both its delivery and its content.

This course is suitable for those who are looking to employ a restorative approach in their workplace, and wish to train staff in house to become restorative practitioners. This course is available for organisations and individual delegates via our open courses.

The training will include a requirement to be observed and supported during the initial delivery of training ‘in the workplace’ which will be necessary for the award of certificate of completion of the training. This is also a requirement of the Restorative Justice Council of Registered Training Providers


In addition to Restorative Approaches, we also deliver Mediation courses:

Mediation skills for Restorative Practitioners (1 day)

Frequently restorative practitioners and services are required to facilitate cases where the use of mediation is more appropriate than restorative approaches. The training is designed to enhance the skills of practitioners by equipping them with mediation skills to utilise in these cases.

For further information, please contact 

Tony Walker: tonywalker@restorativesolutions.org.uk, 07912300280.

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What people say about Restorative Solutions

I'm so glad I am working with Restorative Justice. I don't know who would listen to me if it wasn’t for you.
A Person Harmed by Crime
Restorative Justice is very underrated and I certainly think we should be using it more.
A Professional who Referred Someone into our Service
Very satisfied – it’s been a great service. A worthwhile process for me and I hope for the offenders. Staff have been great and I would like to thank them.
A victim
It was the right thing to do. Both victims told me to let go of what happened. I didn't want to hear it but they both forgave me and said I should move on. I have taken that on and thought about it and I have come to terms with what happened. You've helped me significantly. It's as though my head has been lifted of a gigantic weight.
An Offender
Thanks for your time today. I feel like you understand R so well, I really hope you can help him to learn how to be happy.
Feedback from a family in East Kent
Restorative Justice offers a unique opportunity for victims and survivors to move on from and overcome the trauma that can be left with them after experiencing crime. I am exceedingly proud of the work that the team at Restorative Solutions do in supporting our community. We should always consider the needs of victims of crime and this service exemplifies that sentiment and allows so many to put behind them what can be the worst experience of their lives.
Marc Jones, Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioner and Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners.

Case Studies

A Creeper Burglary: Restorative Justice Case Study

This was a case of an overnight “creeper” burglary in a residential area where the harmer had gained access through an u...

A Non-Recent Child Sexual Abuse: Restorative Justice Case Study

The victim in this non-recent child sexual abuse case was a 56-year-old woman called Lisa. Her father sexually abused he...

A Robbery: Restorative Justice Case Study

This Restorative Justice case saw Jamie and Ruth openly communicate in a face-to-face conference. Years before, Jamie at...

A Manslaughter: Restorative Justice Case Study

We received a referral from a Victim Liaison Officer who was working on a manslaughter case. The grandmother advised the...

A Workplace Assault: Restorative Justice Case Study

Nick worked at a clothing shop. When he noticed Glenn, a customer, shoplifting, Nick stepped in to challenge him. The po...

An Attempted Burglary: Restorative Justice Case Study

When Joanne and her husband had just gone to bed, they heard a really loud bang downstairs. They immediately thought som...

Death by Drug Overdose: A Restorative Justice Case Study

A young woman passed away after she was supplied Class A drugs. The person who supplied these drugs was convicted and se...

Firearms Offence: A Restorative Justice Case Study

The offender in this case had been suffering with issues affecting his mental health which he tried to manage with alcoh...

Fraud: A Restorative Justice Case Study

The offender defrauded a woman he was in an intimate relationship with, stealing over £50,000 over a course of months. T...

Harmful Sexual Behaviour: A Restorative Justice Case Study

The offender had sexually abused her young daughter, taking inappropriate photographs that were distributed to a third p...

Using a Restorative Approach to Address Conflict in the Home

This was a case where a family went through a restorative approach for their son who was displaying an increasing use of...

Conditional Cautions and Restorative Justice

This was a case where one driver punched the wing mirror of another driver's car after his actions caused him to swerve ...

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Insights, Articles & Advice

Things to Consider Before Taking Part in Restorative Justice

While there are plenty of benefits to Restorative Justice, there are various things that need to be considered before ta...

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An Interview with Caz, Practitioner at Restorative Solutions

Practitioners are at the heart of the Restorative Justice process, facilitating communication between the victim and off...

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How Restorative Justice Can Ease Anxiety and Depression for Victims

Restorative Justice gives victims the opportunity to communicate with the person responsible for the crime that has affe...

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