How Restorative Justice Can Ease Anxiety and Depression for Victims
Restorative Justice gives victims the opportunity to communicate with the person responsible for the crime that has affe...
Equipping Prison Officers with the skills to bridge the gap left between age and experience: using Restorative Justice to improve prisons.
Our Executive Chairman, Gary Stephenson, comments on the changing face of prisons and how Restorative Justice can deliver a safer working environment for both staff and inmates.
In my former occupation as a police officer, I often visited prisons to interview offenders, gather intelligence and investigate suicides and acts of serious bodily harm.
My presence would frequently invoke a negative response from some of the inmates, particularly those whom I had put there. The visit was often an unpleasant experience but duty called and I always felt safe and I was well looked after by the staff during my visit. I would describe most of the staff at this time as being predominantly male, white and authoritative in their outlook; carrying keys and wearing uniforms including caps. I remember during this time when I saw my first female prison officer, my head spun on its shoulders -what on earth was going on? How can this be?
How things have changed! I have been visiting prisons recently as part of the workRestorative Solutions are doing in creating and developing the concept of the RestorativePrison. The gender, race and age profile has certainly changed which is great. However, a recent article in the Guardian highlighted the fact that 70,000 years of experience had been lost over the last decade from the prison service, with 6,000 years of service lost in the last year alone. The article highlights the rise in assaults on staff and an increase in overall violence in our prisons.These changes make our prisons less safe for both inmates and staff. A serious issue which must be tackled if we are to maintain standards within prisons in the UK. We believe that using what we call a ‘Whole Restorative Approach’ within prisons is an incredibly effective way to address these issues.
The changing profile of staff in our prisons is something I have had debated with a number of enlightened Governors and we agree it presents significant opportunities to transform the culture of the secure environment from a more traditional, authoritarian approach to conflict by embracing a Whole Restorative Approach within the service.
Great words, I know, but what does it mean in practice for the Prison Service? It has to be said from the outset that the change is not without risk and does involve organisational and cultural change.
Staff and inmates are trained and empowered to resolve conflict restoratively either informally or within formal processes. Early intervention is encouraged, and the approach is not just confined to issues between inmates but is equally applied to conflict between staff and inmates.
The technique can also be applied to disputes between staff, so a Restorative Approach can be applied to resolve a broad range of issues within the prison.
At times, the staff member is seen as the harmer, so Restorative Justice can also be applied to resolve issues between staff and management. Our recent experiences in ourPathfinders Programme at HMP Buckley Hall & Peterborough found that by adopting a whole restorative prison approach the following positive outcomes could be achieved;
● A safer environment for all in the prison community
● An approach that is rehabilitative in its approach
● A culture that promotes transformative organisational and cultural change resulting in stronger and sustainable relationships between inmates, staff and senior management.
● Integration back into the community, be it the prison, or on release
● An increased awareness and understanding of organisational and individual needs
● A move from punitive to restorative adjudications
● A culture in which individuals take responsibility for their actions and see the human consequences of those actions.
● A respect for each others' needs
● Increased wellbeing
● A reduction in sickness
In delivering the ‘whole prison approach’, leadership at all levels is required. We believe the model Restorative Solutions has designed with HMP Buckley Hall & Peterborough addresses many of the issues our prisons are facing today and equips a new breed of younger, less experienced prison officer with an eclectic problem solving tool.
I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further with Governors and other professionals working in the prison sector how this approach might be applied in secure environments across the UK. A process evaluation of the Restorative Prison pilot was conducted by the Institute for Criminal Policy Research at Birkbeck, University of London. To see the evaluation findings, please click on the links below. I can be contacted
Restorative Prisons Evaluation - Executive Summary Restorative Prisons Evaluation - Full ReportWe’d love to talk to you about how we can find a solution for you.
I'm so glad I am working with Restorative Justice. I don't know who would listen to me if it wasn’t for you.
Restorative Justice is very underrated and I certainly think we should be using it more.
Very satisfied – it’s been a great service. A worthwhile process for me and I hope for the offenders. Staff have been great and I would like to thank them.
It was the right thing to do. Both victims told me to let go of what happened. I didn't want to hear it but they both forgave me and said I should move on. I have taken that on and thought about it and I have come to terms with what happened. You've helped me significantly. It's as though my head has been lifted of a gigantic weight.
Thanks for your time today. I feel like you understand R so well, I really hope you can help him to learn how to be happy.
Restorative Justice offers a unique opportunity for victims and survivors to move on from and overcome the trauma that can be left with them after experiencing crime. I am exceedingly proud of the work that the team at Restorative Solutions do in supporting our community. We should always consider the needs of victims of crime and this service exemplifies that sentiment and allows so many to put behind them what can be the worst experience of their lives.
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